Monday, July 28, 2008


Today was a pretty okay day.

Firstly, it started off rainy and gray and cold, which is always welcome. It was a real weird feeling drive home.

Then around 11 I met Percy and Therese at the mall and we went to the shooting range.

I then proceeded to have some target practice using a Glock 9mm.

I've shot a rifle in my younger days, but that was the extent of my real firearms experience, so it was pretty fucking cool and exciting to load up a handgun and squeeze off some shots.

Almost...addicting, in fact.

I did pretty well, hitting the paper every shot and the actual target MOST of the time. Not bad for a first time.

For the record I did pick the zombie target (obviously) but they got mixed up and I ended up with aliens.

Take that you alien pricks.

I'll most likely return there eventually to do it again. What a nice stress reliever it would be.

Perhaps try something larger next time, just for fun.

Then we had some delicious lunch and I went to James's's' and we played games for a bit which leads me to where I am right now, which is tired as fuck.

I cannot wait to sleep tonight and not have to worry about getting up to work.

One of the best things in the world is waking up, checking the time while still half alseep, and finding out that you still have like 3 more hours of delicious sleep before you have to be up, and then falling back asleep almost instantly.

Of course, an even better feeling most of the time is just sleeping. Period.

Best thing in the world.

Goodnight Moon.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

random shit.

I just got home from my Papa (grandpa) and grandmas 50th wedding anniversary party and I am tired as fuck, but I feel just wired enough to not want to rest my head just yet.

I've been feeling that a lot lately, it seems. Like not just tired, but burned the fuck out, to the core, I guess.

So I did my best to be social, but an hour of random people (a lot of whom I don't even remember) shaking my hand or hugging me and asking what I've been up to was a bit much.

There was a shit ton of food, like snack type food, which was nice, so I just sat in a corner and ate and talked to my sisters boyfriend for the most part.

And then made a stealthy escape because I have to work tonight.

Being married for 50 years is pretty incredible I think, even to me the cynical "I don't ever want to get married" type guy. So I was genuinely happy for them in my own quiet way.

In other, angrier news, what's with the new Mogwai album not being released until September? if the mother fucker is done, I say give it to me, NOW. And don't give me any of that "September isn't that far away!" shit.

I did download one song from their site "The sun smells too loud" and it's pretty fucking good, so my hopes are high.

Of course there are probably people out there who have managed to snag the entire album illegally or otherwise already, but that shit doesn't really interest know, as one of the few people in the world who still enjoy owning and collecting CD's.

So I'll wait patiently, and as always the experience will probably be extra awesome, it's just that in this pretty shitty world, new music from bands I am in love with really keeps me going.

you know, it's the small things.

Anyway, kids, the meds are kicking in and writing this is becoming less and less interesting.

You all take care.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

who's watching the watchmen?

I also should mention how absolutely awesome the Watchmen trailer is.

We saw it before the Dark Knight and it gave me chills.

Just having finished the book only a few weeks ago it's all still fresh in my mind. I was going to write about how awesome it was the day I finished, but never got around to it.

Basically it's one of the best Graphic Novels ever. I can't imagine what it would have been like to read it when it first came out. Probably even more mind blowing.

It's a good one for people who don't even really like comics (I do, and also don't)

Anyway, movie version looks to be shaping up nicely and I am excited even though it is a long way off.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Oh, wow.


Well I am one tired mother fucker but I have to say that The Dark Knight was pretty much everything I hoped it would be and more.

This movie does so much right that it's on an entirely different level than any other comic book film EVER.

It works so well being placed in a realistic world where you don't even feel like it's a comic book world and that, my friends is exactly why I love it so.

It feels like a very busy movie, and it is, but throughout it all and even with a longer run time than most movies it remains incredible the entire time.

And it's going to be said EVERYWHERE for a long time to come, but Heath Ledger deserves all the fucking props in the world for his performance. Dead or not...fucking christ that was awesome.

Like the creepy, twisted and determined psycho I was hoping he'd be. And not constantly over the top, either.

I am going to go to bed now and probably re-play all those scenes in my head as I try to do so. Scenes that I would discuss here if I wasn't so tired.

Worth the long, long wait and shitty ass lineups.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

oh maaaaaaan.


Thursday, July 03, 2008

Today is the last ordinary day.

I don't watch much Television because most television tends to really, really suck.

Between god awful shows like CSI (Miami especially), friends re-runs and whatever reality show of the week people are currently jerking off over... it's hard to sort out good from bad. Or, really, it's just hard to give a fuck.

However, once in a while something catches my eye. Through a little blind faith and tiny bit of knowledge I purchased a show called "Jericho" on DVD a few weeks ago.

Basically it's about a small town that gets cut off after a nuclear attack in Colorado. It becomes about the people in the town of Jericho and what it takes to survive and how they slowly find out what has happened to the world.

And so you learn as you go, about characters and about what has happened to the world. And who is hiding what.

The first few episodes, while entertaining, didn't exactly make me think it was anything special, but it picks up fairly quickly and becomes something really special and by about the sixth episode I was hooked.

I have a boner for post apocalyptic stuff (Mad Max, Fallout and so on...) so that's the reason i first started watching, but the scope of the show becomes so broad that it really does make you think.

The second season particularly, about a new America and corrupt government built through the funding of corporations and the fears of people is awesome.

I've read about how the fans saved the show after it was canceled following the first season finale and I think it's incredible how they did it by sending peanuts to CBS in a form of protest (relates to the show but I am far too lazy to explain it) the only problem is that it was renewed at a shitty time and therefore only had a seven episode second season...which apparently had terrible ratings and buried the show for good.

There are talks of a new season on a network that might actually promote it or even a movie, but I don't see it happening.

Not as long as people keep watching CSI and friends!

Maybe it's partly my fault for not watching earlier, this happens to every good show, I swear, but I just can't stand tuning in and watching TV on TV anymore for exactly the reasons above.