Thursday, July 26, 2012

Xenoblade Chronicles

A while ago I posted a short bit about how I imported Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii because it was never going to come out here.

Well, after much bullshit on the part of Nintendo, it was finally released over here (online and gamestop/eb games only) and to show my support I snatched up a copy and began playing it from the start.

Now, months later I have finally finished it and I just want to say, it is totally and completely deserving of the hype. It's not an exageration to say it just single handedly revived my love for the Japanese RPG.

Not since Chrono Trigger on the SNES have I felt that way.

I'm not necceastily comparing the two, I'm just saying. since the SNES days nothing has grabbed me. Final Fantasy fell off hugely and is now pretty much a joke and everything else just seemed so boring or didn't click with me.

This did. once I got passed the two hour mark I was hooked.

 I clocked in at around 60 hours played in the end and that's without having seen everything/done all the quests. This game is MASSIVE. I've read plenty about people who put in over a 100 hours the first time around.

I'll not get into any huge details, but the short version is it has a great story, AMAZING music and a cool battle mode which is a mix of something like World of Warcraft and other JRPG's. It's addictive and not bothersome like some other games.

So yes, it is an amazing game and one of my favorites ever and yes you should find it and buy it and play it and make time for it as I did.

Seriously. Dust off your Wii, grab a classic controller (pro) and enjoy one of the best games this year.

also, greatest, most beautiful title screen ever.


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