Wednesday, October 31, 2007

just in time for halloween

So I just say down for a session with Manhunt 2.

I just want to say once again, fuck the ESRB.

The game is certainly gruesome and scary and tense and everything but the "censored" executions piss me off.

The screen gets filled with this red/gray filter and the camera gets all jerky. Sometimes it actually adds to the unsettling feeling, but other times you can't really see what the fuck is going on and are left with the sound effects (which are awesome) to tell the story.

I'm STILL mad they were forced to go back and change things.

For all the people arguing that it's sick to want to play a game like this in the first place, well, fuck you.

It's just as sick for anybody to TELL me what I can and cannot watch and play. Seriously. THAT'S the sick part.

That being said it is a cool game so far. The mood and atmosphere are awesome. and the Wii remote gestures are fun.

I've seen insane dudes piss on me, throw shit at me and beat the snot out of orderlies. I've also smashed someones head in with a sledgehammer, strangled them with a plastic bag, stuck them in the neck with a syringe and so on.

And hey, guess what? I'm not demented. I don't feel homicidal in the least.

Could it be?...that just...a game!?

fucking pricks.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Austin Texas mental hospital

Well, uh. I suppose I should update this thing.

I really don't have much to say. Life is just going along like life does. Some days I feel like running away and staying away for good. I'm not sure why. I guess I feel everything and everyone around here is somewhat... gone. I guess is the best word.

I've also thought about cleaning up/repainting/reorganizing my room, but then I get to thinking that there isn't much point. I should just move out and then do that shit.

At the very least I was looking to get some cool art/posters to hang up. Movie posters are cool, but I think it's time for Shakira to come down.

Then I started searching and all the "fine art" stuff I was browsing was retarded. I want something dark and slightly disturbing but nice.

I was also looking for some Clive Barker art, but I can't find any posters and I'm not paying hundreds of dollars for a painting. (because I am not THAT into shit like this) but all of his stuff is pretty fucking cool. I guess that's what happens when an awesome horror writer puts his mind to painting.

I spose I should find those Victoria Francis posters I got a long time ago too. That stuff is not bad at all.

In Videogame news Zack and Wiki is fucking brilliant and should be purchased by every single person who owns a Wii.

It's old school point and click adventure meets amazingly creative puzzle solving. All with what is perhaps the best use of the Wii remote yet.

The main idea of each level is to get the treasure chest which is often guarded by enemies and various traps. It's the type of game where you'll sometimes sit there wondering how the hell to proceed and then a few minutes later it'll hit you how simple it actually is. That is the brilliance of it.

So go buy it, unless you hate fun and good times.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Orange Box, more like awesome box.

Yesterday I got the Orange Box, which is five games in one.

Half-life 2, episode one, episode two, Portal and Team Fortress 2.

I bought it for Episode two, but ended up playing Portal while the updates were downloading and I have to say that game is fucking brilliant. One of the coolest, neatest ideas for a game. Simple concept that gets harder as you go, and really makes you think.

It's also funny throughout and the the end credits are hilarious.

It is short, I beat it in one sitting, but it alone is worth the price. I would rank it pretty high on my greatest gaming moments list.

Anyway, if any of you pricks don't have Half-Life 2 yet, go buy this package. One of the best deals ever.

Now it's time for some Episode two.

Friday, October 05, 2007

bitch ass suckas


I have nothing important to say.

I finished season 1 of Dexter yesterday. It is definitely awesome, but I can see how not everyone would like it, and Geoff is probably right that it'll have the plug pulled on it prematurely.

So many awesome shows get canned despite having great fans and this could be one of them. Or perhaps I'm just paranoid and bitter.

Either way, it is awesome.

Also awesome is Zelda on the DS so far.

I wasn't so sure about all touch screen controls at first, but I'm pretty much sold. Although I'm not all. But it sure is fun. Half Wind waker, half Link to the past.

That's a solid mix right there.

I'm trying to play WoW but it keeps crashing while loading. But only when I use my hunter...what's the deal?

Also got my glasses, so here is me in my glasses:

The same picture I showed Stephanie because I'm hardly in the mood to take another. Unless you guys want nudes. I have those.

I swear to god if I have to re-install WoW I will never play again.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

"If I had a heart , it would be breaking right now"

I've watched 3 or 4 episodes of "Dexter" and can already proclaim it the best show on Television right now. Or at least my favourite.

It is about Dexter, who works for the Miami police department as a forensic blood spatter specialist.

He's also a serial killer who lives by a code to only kill people who "deserve it"

So it's part CSI (only not fucking stupid and annoyingly flashy), part drama and part comedy (dark, dark comedy)

The character is often so like able, so NICE and smart and charming that it really makes for an interesting show as in one scene he's playing with his girlfriends kids and the next he's cutting up some guy tied to a table.

That is a great dynamic. I love it.

I also love seeing him transition from ruthless, taunting killer to "faking every human interaction ever" as a member of normal society.

Seriously, what a show. Of course it could start sucking balls, as I've not watched it all, but I highly doubt it.

And to think I walked past it so many times in Best Buy, always thinking it was some kind of stupid show about a doctor or something.

It's far better than that.