Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I dunno.

So today we got some high speed wireless installed and I am loving it so far.

It's either that, or satellite internet, which I've read isn't all that hot in a lot of aspects.

So far I am loving it. Far, far, FAR faster than dialup, so I'm not going to complain if it isn't as fast as something like cable. Works good with WoW in my short experience and as well as Left 4 dead, so I'm happy.

And the porn, my god the porn!

Anyway, cool beans.

Friday, November 21, 2008

since we are all on about GAMES.

Remember how I said I wasn't going to buy any new games until the new year?

I lied.

Everyone should go buy Left 4 dead because it is incredible. Basically just you and three other
survivors (or friends if you play online) have to survive a zombie invasion.

and the mother fuckers are FAST and agile. It's intense having 20 of the things charge toward you in a narrow alley, climbing fences and jumping from windows. intense and AWESOME.

I haven't even played that much, and online would probably run like shit for me, but man is it ever fun.

In other game news, Trevor got me a copy of the WoW expansion (what a nice guy) and I am currently enjoying it as well.

I would have to say that the new areas are by far the nicest and coolest I've seen in the game (see below), and the quests are also cooler. You get flying machines (with guns) and hawks to control and everything. It's nice to have it changed up a bit.

Overall it is indeed more of the same, but that's cool. I still play it for a reason. Because it remains fun.

And then there is Fallout 3 which I think I am almost finished with. A solid purchase.

Also Dead Space, which I admit to neglecting. Sooner or later I will sink some real time into it. It is definitely good though. Possibly even great.

And I have nothing else to talk about.

Monday, November 03, 2008


Well, kids.

I've just spent the last two days leaned over a toilet puking my guts out, or sprawled out on the bathroom floor willing myself to NOT puke my guts out (unsuccessfully)

If not that, it's been coming out the other end at an even more ridiculous pace. Seriously, I didn't even know I had that much liquid in me.

The tricky parts came when I had the urge to do both at ONCE. That takes some skill (it doesn't)

the rest of my hours have been spent in and out of various states of sleep.

I am now feeling well enough to be vertical, but I feel as if I've had the shit stomped out of me in my sleep, and my stomach still feels testy enough that I don't really want to risk eating much.

But I think the worst is over.

It is always remarkable to me how these things really beat a person down and how quickly they come on.

I feel like I've missed so much even though I haven't. I guess having no concept of time for a few days does that to you.

I am going to watch movies and eat popsicles while I try and stay awake for a bit.

over and out.