Tuesday, May 27, 2008

God Bless you Stallone...God bless you French people.

I just watched Rambo and man oh man that mother fucker has still got it.

Basically it's balls out, old school action and I wouldn't have had it any other way. It "Averages 2.59 killings per minute." which is epic.

I also watched a French film called "Frontier(s)" which is probably one of the most brutal horror/thrillers I've seen in a long while.

I don't think I've ever seen a female protagonist take such a shit kicking in my life, nor have I ever seen said protagonist proceed to kick as much ass as this movie delivers.

Why is it that French directors are so damn talented when it comes to giving up the goods?
I don't just mean in terms of sick, sadistic violence (which I love) but also in terms of great cinematography, story, characters and so on.

It was not perfect but it sure as fuck beats the pg-13 remakes these hollywood fucks like to keep putting out.

I post about movies too much.

Someone should pay me to be a critic. I guess I'd have to hate some movies though, so...The movie Southland Tales sure did suck.

I don't think I've ever turned a movie off, but I did this one. I told myself I'd try and finish it the next day, and then I didn't.

It lacks pretty much everything that makes films worth watching. Terrible.

Friday, May 23, 2008


I finished Okami yesterday. That was one of the best games I've ever played. definitely on my "top games ever" list.

I got a new xbox. I decided to just get the arcade unit (no HDD) and then just slap my old one on it to save some cash.

I watched Diary of the dead on Tuesday and it was a bit of a disappointment.

I heart you George Romero...but this wasn't all that great, pal.

I wanted Cloverfield with zombies, instead I got a movie with characters I didn't care about that just fell a bit short in pretty much every way.

The concept sounds good, you get some people shooting a movie, that then turns into a documentary about what the hell is happening in the world (hint: zombies) but the execution is just...meh.

Someone buy me one of those expensive cameras and let me film the damn thing.

I wanted shots like the camera man running down streets, ducking behind cars and peeking out to see a massive group of zombies get torn apart by heavy machine gun fire as his friends shrieked and wondered where the fuck to go.

I wanted some end of the world shit.

Can you imagine how absolutely visceral and exciting a zombie movie could be if it had the quality and style that Cloverfield did? (for the most part)

perhaps that's why it's disappointing to me. It wasn't that despite looking like it might be.

Not terrible, but you know...

I think they are already planning a sequel. They should hire me.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

you wretched little beast.


My xbox 360 is broken.

I was playing Grand Theft Auto, doing a particularly annoying mission in which i had to tail a helicopter across the city in my car. Once it landed I had to shoot niggas dead and then proceed to steal it and land it at an airport across the city.

As I had just completed the tricky landing (seriously, flying in that game is challenging) the system began to load a cutscene and then made an odd sound and told me to clean my disc because it was unreadable.

then it shut off.

I turned it on, checked the disc and closed the tray, it made a few weird sounds and then...nothing, except an option to open the tray again...meaning it's not reading discs, at all.

I tried a few more of my games and the results were the same.

this thing is hooped.

I'm aware that Microsoft extended the warranty to three years, but that only covers you if you get the red ring of death, which is a complete hardware failure.

Mine still turns on but just refuses to read anything.

I always knew the failure rate on these things is abnormally high, and didn't really expect to be that mad when/if it stopped working, but man what a load of shit.

I think i'll take the time to play some Wii games I've been neglecting and then maybe smash the xbox and buy another.

I could send it away for repairs but that costs (according to various reports) over $100 so... I don't know.

Maybe I'll just purchase an elite model, since they are supposedly built better than the original ones (mine was from the first batch they ever made, I believe)

Anyway, fuck Microsoft and their shoddy workmanship.

One broken xbox 360 for sale! come on guys $50!

Monday, May 12, 2008

go speed racer gooooooooooooooo!

James and I watched Speed Racer today.

The day before (I think) I was sharing random quotes about the film from critics with her like:

"Imagine someone pouring hot, melted Starburst candies into your corneas, and you just begin to approximate the experience of Speed Racer, an ice-cream headache of a movieā€¦ "

And I told her that all it did was make me want to see it even more.

It's basically getting SLAMMED by every critic out there but I kept an open mind (with no expectations either way) and am glad I did.

I pretty much enjoyed the SHIT out of it.

perhaps it's because memories of my childhood love for the show (like SERIOUS love) came flying back to me, but I also think it's because the movie is so fucking INSANE and colourful and wonderfully fucked up.

It looks fake...and I'm pretty sure it's supposed to, but at the same time it looks real which is just so...bizzare that the movie is just seriously not for everyone. I say that a lot but I've never meant it more than this.

But as I also said to Stephanie it really makes me wonder what the fuck people expected from a movie about a cartoon from the 60's about a guy and his family who race cars with saw blades and shit attached to them...seriously.

You should expect:

- over the top racing
- weird humor
- cheesy moments

And the movie delivered on all of that so fuck you movie critics and movie going sheep who listen too hard to this shit.

I don't care if people dislike it, because I already said it's inevitable, but christ on a cracker don't expect something like Schindler's list out of a fucking cartoon movie.

PS. Trixie was fucking hot.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

This city deserves a better class of criminal.

Speaking of the Dark Knight...



Saturday, May 03, 2008


Well guys,

Iron Man was pretty awesome.

Way, way better than I expected (cause I expected the worst, naturally) it's easily the best Marvel movie, way ahead of Spider Man, since Spider Man is a big bitch.

Really, the only thing I was sure of from the time this movie was being filmed was Robert Downey Jr. I would make babies with him if I could. So Awesome.

Also this film makes me realize that CGI should only ever really be used on Mechanical things...you know, like flying robot armor, because it looks great...as opposed to an obviously CG spider man swinging through the city. Yucky.

There was a surprise after the credits too, which was pretty cool.