Thursday, May 15, 2008

you wretched little beast.


My xbox 360 is broken.

I was playing Grand Theft Auto, doing a particularly annoying mission in which i had to tail a helicopter across the city in my car. Once it landed I had to shoot niggas dead and then proceed to steal it and land it at an airport across the city.

As I had just completed the tricky landing (seriously, flying in that game is challenging) the system began to load a cutscene and then made an odd sound and told me to clean my disc because it was unreadable.

then it shut off.

I turned it on, checked the disc and closed the tray, it made a few weird sounds and then...nothing, except an option to open the tray again...meaning it's not reading discs, at all.

I tried a few more of my games and the results were the same.

this thing is hooped.

I'm aware that Microsoft extended the warranty to three years, but that only covers you if you get the red ring of death, which is a complete hardware failure.

Mine still turns on but just refuses to read anything.

I always knew the failure rate on these things is abnormally high, and didn't really expect to be that mad when/if it stopped working, but man what a load of shit.

I think i'll take the time to play some Wii games I've been neglecting and then maybe smash the xbox and buy another.

I could send it away for repairs but that costs (according to various reports) over $100 so... I don't know.

Maybe I'll just purchase an elite model, since they are supposedly built better than the original ones (mine was from the first batch they ever made, I believe)

Anyway, fuck Microsoft and their shoddy workmanship.

One broken xbox 360 for sale! come on guys $50!


Blogger Geoff said...

My Xbox Elite crapped in the first month. Disk drive stopped reading disks.

Two months later (albeit free), I got a replacement.

Fun stuff.

9:36 p.m.  
Blogger ryan said...

shoulda got a ps3

11:13 p.m.  
Blogger D. said...

I would get a PS3 if I was interested in a glorified blu ray player.

But I'm more about playing good games.


11:52 p.m.  
Blogger D. said...

also, Geoff.

Fuck, that sucks.

Do they use immigrant kids to assemble these in Taiwan or what?

11:53 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

shitty man, stick with Nintendo yeah thats pretty much it.

8:50 p.m.  

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