Wednesday, February 18, 2009


It seems that lately there has been talk of summer and good weather and motorcycles and it is driving me nuts.

For the past few weeks now it is all I can think about. When I'm on the highway and see a nice patch of clear, dry pavement I want to be transported out of my car and onto my bike. I want to feel the wind rush past my ears as I open the throttle and feel the engine come to life.

I got my bike and license pretty late in the season and as such I only put just over 300KM on my bike for those few weeks where it was nice enough to ride without worry (though I did freeze my ass off a few times on the way home from work)

I swear, I'll add double that the first day I take it out this spring/summer.

I am looking forward to just going for a cruise with no destination just to let off some steam and get more experience under my belt.

I've got some cash set aside for some real gear, mostly a jacket that might actually protect me if I take a spill. Shit is expensive, but well worth it.

Also, I will continue to bug Geoff to join the biker gang as well. One day!

I can't wait until Summer.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

games games games!

I haven't turned my Wii on in a few months. It's been all PC/360 for me as of late.

So I was pretty excited yesterday to pick up House of the Dead: Overkill as well as Deadly Creatures so that I could turn the thing back on and have some fun.

And fun I've been having.

House of the Dead is easily the best in the series and so completely violent, offensive and ridiculous that it just has to be played.

I think every second word said by the characters is "fuck" also the Grindhouse style is awesome and a perfect change from the norm.

And Deadly Creatures is seriously set to be one of the biggest sleeper hits in a long while, because from what I've played it's pretty much a mix of Zelda/Metroid only you play as a mother fucking spider and scorpion.

So if you have a Wii and it needs some loving, buy one of these games. Or both.

It sure as fuck beats those terrible mini game collections or other shovelware garbage that make me sad to own a Wii.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Get ready to have your face melted right the fuck off.