Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dear vampires, fuck off.

A while ago I bought the first season of the HBO show True Blood because it was on sale and I'd always wanted to give it a go.

I liked it well enough at the beginning, then it got lame, then slightly better...and then the season ended with probably the dumbest "twist" of all time.

While watching it, I was so conflicted because some parts of it are just so...SO awful that it's hard to want to keep going, but the reality is that it is pretty much a soap opera with vampires and so every episode just has this obvious "hook" to get you to watch another, and it works. I'll admit it.

Some of the cool stuff involves how vampires are just living among humans but looked down on. The whole "racial" tension thing is cool, and I liked the scenes featuring Eric, the Sheriff of the vampire district. Their codes/way of life and blah blah blah.

There was plenty I didn't enjoy though, one bit of which is that the main protagonist played by Anna Paquin is perhaps the dumbest and most annoying character ever created. Nearly every time she opens her mouth to speak, I cringe in anticipation of what stupidity she might bring forth, or how she'll sound saying it.

Then I started thinking about how it's probably what I imagine Twilight to be except more adult (tits and blood and swearing, woo!) and it made me gag a little.

Vampires are clearly the new Pirates and I think I'm kind of sick of anything even remotely involving vampires, especially vampires IN LOVE with humans or trying to act un-vampire like.

Fuck off.

Unless it involves Kate Beckinsale.

Anyway, I liked it well enough to finish it and since it was only the first season, I'd give it another go to see if it improves any in season 2, but I'm not rushing to find out.

Final thought:

I've been tossing around the idea of starting a movie/tv site, which would really just be a blog type thing where I could write this shit and not force anyone to see it, but then I realize I'm just too damn lazy, so deal with it for now.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Well kids,

It's safe to say I've come down with something not all that appealing.

One minute I'll feel decent and the next my entire body aching and I'll be sweating due to a random fever. Add to that random spots of nausea and the fact that it's hard to even want to stand up and it just sucks cock.

I ended up pretty much sleeping through my days off.

You know it's bad when I pass out in bed with TV, computer, lights AND my clothes still on.

As I said though. It seemingly comes and goes whenever it damn well pleases. It's just miserable.

As such I've been playing games, games, games and the list I've been playing is pretty large, but at the same time, I've not REALLY been able to get into them because all I want to do is lay here.

I'm bored, so I'm gonna run through my backlog and new additions.

list is as follows:

- New Super Mario bros wii: Awesome, but I haven't got too into it due to the above

- Muramasa: The demon blade: Perhaps the most gorgeous 2D visuals I've ever seen in my life. SERIOUSLY. LOOK AT IT. Also has great soundtrack, RPG elements, fun combat and a story I can't quite grasp yet (I'm early on in it). It is fantastic so far.

- Modern Warfare 2: skipped the first one. Enjoyed the campaign despite some overly dramatic and silly storyline moments. Plenty of "wow" though. Multiplayer is fun when it isn't laggy.

- Borderlands: Am getting back into this after several weeks of not playing it. I like it a lot as long as I'm playing solo or with smart folk who actually want to experience the game.

Left 4 Dead 2: Awesome as shit. Love the new melee weapons, but cannot really stand playing with 3 other strangers online because they always leave me to die and insist on sprinting through every level. I understand wanting to get though quickly and not fuck around, but when you leave me to get grabbed by a damn jockey or strung up by a smoker, you can suck my dick.

I was under the impression the game should be about teamwork and survival. I've seen none of it in my few times playing online.

Action shot of me taking a zombies head off with an axe.

You know what, there are actually more games on my list, but I'm no longer bored and just annoyed, so I'm gonna stop here.

Long story short: I have a lot of fucking games to finish and am not buying any more until after Christmas or into the new year.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

tired as fuck so I don't care if this makes any sense or not.

Hey kids,

I have a weird bit of energy flowing through me somehow, so it's time to BLOG IT.

Last night we saw Matthew Good + Mother Mother and it was pretty great.

Mother mother is a better band than I at first thought. They were entertaining enough.

Matthew Good was fantastic as usual, and I got to hear Volcanoes, so it was all worth it. I also like the Shaw Conference center as a venue. Pretty nice place.

I got a decent video of Mr. Good asking the people in the back why the fuck they come to see a show but stand in the verrry back just because there is alcohol. I do believe he advocated getting ripped BEFORE coming to the show.

It was good times. Strangely enough, despite feeling ill the past few days, I felt great once we got there...and then crappy on the way out.

And then, perhaps the perfect way to ruin a good night...I had to go to work.

Due to more incompetence from the supervisors, nobody even fucking knew I had asked for the night off, nearly TWO months ago. How shit like that goes unnoticed is beyond me. Or it's their excuse, I don't fucking know. Or care.

The shift before I had told them I would be taking the night off anyway. There was no way I was missing the concert.

But, I'm a weird guy and despite sometimes hating the place, I don't like the thought of screwing anybody over (yes, even though I realize I'm the one who more or less got the screw job) so I ended up going in to work directly after the concert.

No, I don't really understand it either. I don't much care about my job, but I can't just be a cunt for whatever reason, even though every other person in there likes to take an extra day off a week and they never get in shit.

Guess I'm not built that way.

Don't get me wrong though. If shit like that happens next time, they can eat shit.

Anyway, it sucked cock at first, but I got a decent bit of energy and made it out of there okay.

Now I feel like ass and just want to crash, but since I have to work tonight I better wait until later so I'm not up at like 3PM.

shit sandwich.

Sunday, November 08, 2009



For the longest time I didn't really understand podcasts or give a shit about them, but when I got my Zune it came with a few samples and one that I actually really enjoyed was "This American Life" from Chicago Public Radio, hosted by Ira Glass.

So I subscribed and proceeded to get the new episode each week, but never really listened to them...until a few months ago when out of boredom I put them on while at work and became pretty much addicted.

I think I listened them all within three nights of work.

Basically it's stories about a kind of random subject from different contributors. The last episodes was about infidelity and had stories from people who cheat/have been cheated on and so on.

Another episode I really enjoyed was called "rest stop" where the guys who make the show basically spent a few days at a busy rest stop in the summer and interviewed random people passing through, the people who work there and so on.

Now, this all either sounds immensely boring to you, or it doesn't.

But here's the strange thing, and why I am even writing this...even the most boring of subjects (and ones I thought I didn't give a shit about) turn to fuckin' gold on this show. I look forward to every damn episode so much that it has become the best part of my Sunday/Monday.

They have also done a few episodes with some NPR people and more or less completely broke down how and why the economy is so completely shit right now.

And one about healthcare, explaining how the system is absolutely broken/why costs are skyrocketing.

It opened my eyes to a lot of issues.

For instance, I find it absurd that American health care has no fixed rates and that it's possible to literally shop around for a "good deal" on an MRI. That kind of floored me.

Or that on average, Americans pay 50% more for health care services than any other country, and that the increase in cost doesn't even buy them better service.

So while I'm not American, both the subjects and the entire show were fascinating to me. They also make me glad I don't live there.

Which got me to also subscribe to NPR's Planet Money podcast which is basically a show three days a week about economic issues (again, healthcare, recession, banks, toxic loans) but also goes a bit more broad with shows about things like how China is set to be the next super power and nobody realizes it.

It's all explained simply and realistically by people who don't come off ass jackasses or driven by whatever political agenda.

And again, is something I never really thought I'd find entertaining, but I do, very much.

Really the whole point of this was supposed to be me asking if anyone else knows of any podcasts worth listening to on a regular basis. About any subjects, really.

I suspect the answer (or rather the lack of answers) will be "no", but who knows.