Oh look another update. With more anger this time.
My ipod is shot. I hate it and am waiting until the Zune gets released here to get another mp3 player, but I figured a $6 battery would be alight to hold me over until then
and so I ordered one off of Ebay a week or so ago. I got it yesterday and today I set off to install it.
Here are my tools of work and my "soft workspace" which is the back of a sears envelope. With that I began to try and crack this thing open as if it were the head of a dead prostitute. (and yes, I coloured it red one day because I was bored and don't give a shit about it.)
In the intructions I downloaded it said quite honestly of the first step, "this is not an easy task by any means, expect to fail repeatedly"
and fail I did, time after time the plastic "tools" would slip and I'd hit my hand or finger on something, so then I brought the knife in as well as some thumbtacks. I didn't care about damaging this piece of shit.
No dice.
Eventually I just went full force, JAMMING the plastic things into the case and prying like it was a crowbar, and eventually...
Then you carefully yank the hard drive out and...
you have access to the battery. I pulled that piece of shit out and slapped the new one in. This is where I stopped taking pictures because all I did was put the new battery in, which was quite difficult as the wires were much thicker and had to be manipulated a bit to make them fit in the case.
Then I put the hard drive back over top, which again, was also difficult as it is impossible to see where it's supposed to "click" into once you flip it over.
So after a bit of frustration the operation was a success, or at least it appears to be, as it's charging right now and probably will be for 8 hours or so.
And now for the angry bit.
Fuck apple. What kind of company designs a product with a shitty battery that is not meant to be replaced AND a case that is not meant to be opened AT ALL.
Who does that? I find it absolutely moronic that a $400 MP3 player is designed as if it were a disposable camera.
I know there are other products like that, but I'm talking about this one, so I don't need that sort of excuse from anybody. It's dumb and makes no sense and I don't believe there is any argument otherwise.
I guess because they wanted it to look "sleek and cool" fucking idiots. I'd rather have the thing run off of AA batteries.
Of course the anger stems from the original problem, which is the fact that this thing, from the get go had shitty battery life. I mean seriously shitty. Eventually it got worse and worse and wouldn't hold a charge at all. Yes, batteries are meant to degrade like that, but this thing sucked balls.
In summation I'm never buying another ipod again.