Sunday, October 22, 2006

No rest for the obsessed.

I am updating for the sake of it, here.

Went to the doctor a few days ago due to my dry/sore throat. It's been bugging me for weeks now. I got a presription because she thought it might be Strep throat, only she wasn't sure since the test wouldn't come back until Monday.

I am taking the pills out of desperation and so far they aren't doing a whole hell of a lot. It fucking HURTS when I yawn, that's how swollen it feels. What the fuck. God doctors are hacks.

Progress on the Zombie story has been nice these past few days, mainly just ideas in my head but it's nice.

I am thinking of posting it in sections or episodes just for fun, and to give me a reason to want to expand on it in the future. Plus it will give people something to read...not that I have a loyal fanbase dedicated to the writings of D...but I'm allowed to pretend, so eat it, pal.

I've also been writing song melodies in my head. The frustrating part about that is not being able to play it, or having it sound like shit when you do. I should just copy the guy from Lightning Bolt and stick some banjo strings on my bass. Just make some LOUD noise for the sake of it. Loud is good.

Loud enough to level this house would be even better. Someone buy me a new amp.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Good grief

Coca Cola Blak is absolutely the most horrid tasting soft drink in the history of mankind.

Sure, I knew it would be, but I had to try it for myself.

Honestly, if cancer had a taste, it would probably be this shit. It's like death mixed with moldy shit.

Excuse me while I go vomit and then put my vomit in a blender so I can drink it just to get this taste out of my mouth.

Hey, how is everyone? you're all looking well.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I just finished reading up on Grindhouse, which is a collaboration between Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez.

As a throwback to horror/exploitation films of the 70's and is two movies joined together by mock trailers (so awesome). So we get two movies in one! By two amazing directors!

Tarantino's is called "Death Proof" and is apparently a slasher style film where the killer uses a car to do his bidding.

The Rodriguez film is "Planet Terror" and features ZOMBIES or "infected" people, if you prefer.

What I'm trying to say is, does that not sound like a fucking good time!? That'll be like 3 hours of pure fucking bliss for me, I swear to god.

April 6, 2007, I am officially busy.

And that is one of the coolest movie posters I have seen in years.

Monday, October 09, 2006

I'll wear your face as a mask.

Well I suppose I should update, here.

I just got back from seeing The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The beginning with Ryan, Trevor and Raine.

The movie was enjoyable, nothing new or mind blowing, but pretty fucking sadistic and gory. A lot more than I expected.

And get this...everyone dies! oh I just spoiled it didn't I? Still it's kind of obvious, but it's nice to see they didn't try and tack on some happy survivor story. Good stuff.

And it was our first time meeting Raine/Geoff Which was definately cool. He's officially an alright dude and not really that much different from us, so it's easy to just exist, I guess.

It wasn't nearly as weird as I thought it might be. Not that I thought it would be too weird, just different. You know what I mean. It's like meeting someone new, is all.

We shall do it again sometime, I'm sure. Either that or I'll just keep his game!

It was a good night, but I am fucking spent due to pretty much no sleep earlier and I sort of feel like shit.

goodnight moon.