Monday, October 09, 2006

I'll wear your face as a mask.

Well I suppose I should update, here.

I just got back from seeing The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The beginning with Ryan, Trevor and Raine.

The movie was enjoyable, nothing new or mind blowing, but pretty fucking sadistic and gory. A lot more than I expected.

And get this...everyone dies! oh I just spoiled it didn't I? Still it's kind of obvious, but it's nice to see they didn't try and tack on some happy survivor story. Good stuff.

And it was our first time meeting Raine/Geoff Which was definately cool. He's officially an alright dude and not really that much different from us, so it's easy to just exist, I guess.

It wasn't nearly as weird as I thought it might be. Not that I thought it would be too weird, just different. You know what I mean. It's like meeting someone new, is all.

We shall do it again sometime, I'm sure. Either that or I'll just keep his game!

It was a good night, but I am fucking spent due to pretty much no sleep earlier and I sort of feel like shit.

goodnight moon.


Blogger Tracy said...

Everyone DIES?!?!?!?! That ruined I can't go see it...

11:26 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

Still atleast it lives up to its name, ill never look at a chainsaw the same way.

9:47 p.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

I can't listen to Skinny Puppy's song called Chainsaw anymore. The first 10 seconds of the track is a chainsaw being revved up, and at that point, I feel like dying.

But yeah, it was cool hanging out with you guys. Goddamn though, that Arbies was tasty.

11:48 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...


4:42 p.m.  

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