Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Dreams: Volume II

Well I am definitely on the road to getting better. I downed some tacos last night and they stayed in me, so that's a good sign. I can also drink water and not have it come out the other end of me in record it's nice.

I've been having strange dreams though.

The very first night I had the fever I dreamed I was inside some kind of old hospital that kept getting bombed, or exploding somehow. Bits and pieces of the roof would collapse and I'd have to run to another area, sometimes digging myself out of a pile of rocks before I did so.

I woke up a few times and thought I was still in that very dream which pissed me off, and when I fell back asleep, well...Same thing. I dreamed about that literally all night.

And then last night...

I dreamed me and Two other people, one girl and another fellow met a strange man. He was really young and wore a crazy looking brown jacket.

We walked and talked until we were suddenly in some cafeteria looking place. I remember there were some French fries and slice of apple pie for everyone including himself.

We ate slowly, kind of unsure of why we were there. The man in the brown coat looked concerned the whole time, and eventually told us it was the last real meal we would ever be eating, and not to panic.

He said he was taking us some place where we could do "good work". It was also explained that he was not from our world. I remember asking him if he liked the taste of real food for some reason and he said that he couldn't taste it anymore and hadn't been able to for some time and threw his food down in disappointment.

Eventually he asked if we were all ready to go. We said yes without asking any questions and were almost immediately standing on the corner of some busy street.

The man went on to explain how the things we've seen for most of our life were "real...But not real real" I remember this because his voice sort of changed pitch and it sounded odd.

He went on to describe how there are some people who know the difference between real and fake, and that some of these people are looking to cause trouble and that they need to be stopped.

I don't remember much else a bit after that, but at some point it was explained that the world I was looking at (this busy street corner) were not real. The man asked me to check for myself, so I walked slowly across the street and the cars slowed down (like slow motion) I didn't worry much and kept walking. When I got to the other side I noticed the area beyond this corner looked odd. I reached my hand out and touched the street light and it sort of rippled and bent.

For whatever reason I wasn't worried or even amazed, I just walked back across the street, letting the cars pass right through me this time (which was cool feeling).

And I can't remember the rest except we somehow ended up at his house and played a game of Contra on the NES in his basement.

Yes, I am serious.

Way to start out cool and then turn it unto something totally disappointing, brilliant brain of mine.


Blogger Geoff said...

Damn it. His subconcious has figured me out.

Ahem. It wasn't Contra. It was Contra: Shattered Soldier for the PS2.


I mean. Yeah. The symbology. You could cut it with a knife.

Lets see how long it takes him to figure that one out.

It's good to hear you're getting healthy. My ma fell ill last night with the same bug you got.

9:26 p.m.  

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