Monday, August 22, 2005

Well, here we are, Dan.

Well, my family (minus my older brother and myself) left for BC yesterday. They rented a big ass house boat (really).

We did that once when I was younger, only it was a smaller boat, but still a lot of fun. There is something real cool about living on a lake and just going wherever you wish.

This time, I decided I'd stay home, though.

I'm glad to be here alone right now. I like the peace and quiet and not having anybody here to bother me.

I can sit here and do nothing ALL day, and like it.

My family is close...But not REAL close...I don't think I could handle being so close to my family members for that long, which might sound sad or mean, but it's just how I am. I've sort of grown out of the whole "family trip" deal...or something.

Though there would have been plenty of time to do some fishing. Oh well.


Blogger Stephanie said...

My family comes to me for a vacation.

But we be poor folk so the fact that they can even come down is like YEEHAW! ;) Ha.

Everyone knows my family is really close, so it's hard for me to relate sometimes, but I think I can kind of understand. Close quarters can be rough. No matter how much you love a person.

8:35 a.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

What???, houseboat, your nuts man. Family aside, cruising around in a houseboat on some big ass lake, has to be way better that this mundane shit hole we call existence. Even for a while.

8:39 p.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

Trevor, there's more kinds of vacation out there than just going someplace and doing something. I know a few people like Dan, who would like nothing more than an empty house to themselves, and lots of peace and quiet.

There are some days I'm like that, but I have a horrific wanderlust, and I can't stay in one place for too long before I want to go somewhere new for a while.

My "vacation" this year was the Westerdale trip I mentioned. It's nice out there. I should probably get the pics up so you guys can see.

8:56 p.m.  
Blogger D. said...

Exactly Raine.

even if I had wanted to go, I didn't have much notice, so getting the week off from work would have been a pain in the ass, anyway.

I'm perfectly fine with being here, and feeling like the only person in the world right now.

now THAT, is a vacation.

2:18 a.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Mmm..I love being the only one home.

Until I hear something creepyass outside and get scared out of my mind.

5:57 a.m.  

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