Thursday, June 01, 2006


Well I recently purchased season four of Home Movies on DVD. The final season.

It made me realize what a shame it is that well written and HILARIOUS shows are cancelled far too often. I'm not sure why this one ended exactly, but I'm sure it could be another incident where nobody watched the show.

Unfortunately I learned about it a little too late in its life to really say I supported it, but goddamn it's fucking brilliant. Even the simplest of conversations between two characters can make me laugh my ass off. Brilliant writing and timing.

I'd rank this incredibly close to, or above Arrested Development as probably my favourite show of all time.

Also, I just watched a little of Batman and Robin while I was flipping channels and It made me remember...Dear god that movie is fucking awful. How the fuck could it have ever been made?

Christ, compare that to Batman Begins and it's beyond sad.

Although Uma Thurman looked fucking HOT as poison Ivy. But that's it. Terrible film.

Hell, even Burton's films are a bit on the goofy side compared to Batman Begins. The more I watch it the more I realize how awesome it is, how it is exactly what the series needed to stop sucking. It's real and dark and gritty.

Oh, how I crave more.


Blogger Trevor said...

I never really got into that show, I don’t know why. I remember the one episode I watched the gym teacher guy was hilarious, especially when he made that kid come with him to id his brother or something at the morgue, hahahah classic.

Batman & Robin is shit, plain and simple. You want an example of mass marketing and people beating a dead goat to death just to get every penny out of franchise, well sir that’s it. Haha for some I reason I remember you me and James at Taco Bell buying all the Batman & Robin collector cups, right after seeing that movie. As for Begins, that car is stupid, I said it, fucking tank!

If I was a millionaire, id build myself the bat mobile from Tim Burtons films, god damn that thing was sexy. I don’t care how nerdy it would look, like come on it’s the bat mobile. Complete with the fire thing in the back. Imagine pulling up to it at a set of lights, haha total chick magnet.

6:08 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Gritty is beyond good.

10:38 p.m.  

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