Monday, March 27, 2006

I Think I Blew It (Again)

I woke up last night with a terrible sore throat...Like real sore, kids. My right eye is also red/bloodshot still. Been like that for a few days. It is getting better, I think, but the throat is killing me.

My mom says strep throat can fuck up your eyes some how, and so if it doesn't feel better tomorrow I might go get it checked out (the throat, not the eye). Then again what does she know.

Anyway. It got me to thinking.

I cannot remember the last time I felt 100% healthy...Or even CLOSE to 100% healthy, and I mean this very seriously.

I feel like crap on a regular basis.

Aside from always being tired on account of night shift work, there is always at least one other thing fucking NAGGING the hell out of me, and I hate it. Whether it be as simple as some sort of fucked up cough or worse.

Speaking of being tired. I hate how nobody understands what it's like to have your sleep patterns completely fucking reversed. It's impossible for me to "suck it up" or "Get over it" when I say that I'm tired, believe me.

It's the same as when my mom looks at me and asks "how come?" after I tell her I'm going to sleep at 8PM on my days off.

It's because I'm fucking tired. I don't get what more there is to understand.

And so I always get a bit irritated when people tell me how tired they are because they had a 4 or 5 hour sleep the night before...One night... Not to be a cunt, but try doing what I Did for 4 fucking years and see how you feel on a regular basis. It's not great, believe me.

Anyway, RANT OVER.

...Back to feeling like crap...

I have this sort of idea in my head that a "cure" of sorts would entail me taking a trip somewhere. Breathing different air, sleeping in a different bed in a different room and so on.

I wouldn't even need to go far...Just something different enough to feel the change, I guess.

I recall feeling a lot different/better when I was camping last time, perhaps that is where the idea comes from.

Over and out.


Blogger Geoff said...

Where are you guys heading this time?

4:56 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

You sound burnt out, I was told back when I first started NAIT that lack of sleep fucks up your immune system making your body extremely vulnerable for illness. I just thought it was ploy to force us to do our assignments right away as opposed to leaving them to last minute but maybe there is some truth in that. Its kind of hard to imagine what switching days with nights would do.

Still “suck it up, so is life” hahaha kidding.

Camping, damn I’m looking forward to that, it just still seems to far away (3 months) Still sitting in a chair for a week eating spitz around a fire, and doing some fishing should be very relaxing.

6:03 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I was told back when I first started NAIT that lack of sleep fucks up your immune system making your body extremely vulnerable for illness. I just thought it was ploy to force us to do our assignments right away as opposed to leaving them to last minute but maybe there is some truth in that.

hehe, I like your theory Trevor. There definitely is truth to it though.

Plus..if you're dealing with any kind of cigarette smoke, whether it be first or second hand, that fucks up your immunity big time.

And not getting sufficient nutrition, taking a multi-vitamin could help in the long run. I finally found it within myself to take one daily and I seriously do feel better. BUT I am getting way more sleep now dunno.

I'll quit being a doctor now.

6:40 p.m.  

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