Saturday, January 28, 2006

lycanthrope for life

A week ago (or something) me and the guys saw Underworld: Evolution, it was a lot better than I thought it would be, and brought about a few questions to my mind. One being:

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

for me the question is easy. I'd rather be a werewolf any day of the week. Sure, it depends a lot on what sort of mythology or rules we are talking, but come on... I'd rather be able to tear somebody to pieces with my huge claws than I would nibble on their neck..ohhh, so scary!


Plus, vampires are metrosexual pretty boy nobility types (which is cool in a lot of ways, I know) but werewolves are the feared outcasts who use RAGE to kick ass.

The only reason I'd want to be a vampire is so I can drink the bloody of hot goth girls, I mean come on. Let's be real here.

I guess if I had to be the type of werewolf that has no power over when he transforms, it might suck, but if I had some control, it would be awesome. I could hulk up and tear shit up. And believe me, I would.

I guess Vampires have some awesome self healing skills though, huh? I think werewolves do as well, perhaps not as great though.

Yeah, so I've thought about this a lot. I'm sick like that.


Blogger Stephanie said...

Hmmm...I am a little torn..

Warewolves are pretty badass...And I think I'd like being able to have another life outside of being a furry, rage driven beast.


If I had to choose...I think I'd pick being a vampire.

But that's mostly because I find the neck to be a very sexy part of the human body.

A vampire could bite my neck anytime he wants...

PS ...straddled...

12:16 p.m.  
Blogger D. said...

See, yeah. Vampires get the girls, but I'm all about bloody animalistic carnage.


12:48 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

I am with Steph on this one.

I'd be a vampire for a couple of reasons.

Biting into some hot Goth girl for one. Something about sucking blood is appealing in a very sexual animalistic way.

Secondly, apparently they are supposed to be able to fly. Which is definite plus.

Then again it would be nice to just tear the fuck out of stuff to.

2:00 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

This is going to make me sound both overly sexual and vacant, but I think I mostly just like necking.

Hehe, at least I'm being honest!!

3:46 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Okay, okay, I can't stand coming off that vacant.


Warewolf would be more satisfying and way more scary. AND you can have a LIFE in addition, which would be nice. So if you could control the rage/transformation it'd be VERY awesome.'s just kind of cool how cunning and secretive they are..seductive, even. And the way they just silently waft in and out is just creepy. But to be banned to darkness would be...meh.

...I didn't explain very well.

Sorry for multi-commenting, DannyO.

4:00 p.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

I'd probably go werewolf, if anything. Sure, I'd like to be all sexy and seductive, but who am I kidding? If I can't hook up with any chicks as a human, I don't think being a bloodsucker would help any.

And besides... as a werewolf, it becomes less "I want to suck your blood and have sex with you," and more "I want to ravage and consume you!"

Mind me, I'd be a pretty skinny werewolf. Skinny Puppy. Hah.


6:18 p.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

Elves are tasty.

They'd make a lovely stew.

10:18 p.m.  
Blogger D. said...

Elves are pussies.

"Oh, look at me, I'm mystical, and every single lord of the rings nerd loves me"

fucking wimps.

Worse than vampires.

11:35 p.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

What's even worse... elves are celibate.

Well, maybe not.

But most of the time.

10:13 p.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

What the hell do elves have to do with anything?

2:46 a.m.  

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