Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Fuck Canada.

So Stephen Harper and the Conservatives have a minority government. I'm not surprised, but I'm still a little angry.

I just hate the guy. I hate everything he says, I hate the way he says it, I hate how he looks (he's like a robot when he gets that fake shit eating grin pasted on his face, it's disturbing to look at) and he's just a douche bag.

I'm not too upset as of yet, I'll save that for later when I see what him and his party are capable of.

It's safe to say though, it won't be long before he's got George Bush's dick in his mouth and us Canadians are even closer to being part of the United States. Is that a little harsh? Maybe, but probably not, he's pretty much the equivalent of a Canadian George Bush whether you like it or not, and that is what concerns me.

Side note:

I've never agreed with the "if you don't vote, you can't complain" speech. That's bullshit. Unless of course you are not voting just because you are lazy. Then you can fuck off.

For me it's always been more of a "none of these candidates deserve to be in power, so none of them will get my vote" I see nothing wrong with that.

Interestingly enough though, I did go out and vote.

I did so after browsing the Green Party website and eventually by reading their "top 10 reasons to vote Green"

some of which are:

"I refuse to let Martin, Harper, Layton or Duceppe think he can scare me into "strategically" voting for him just for not being the worst among them.

Whoever I vote for will get $1.75 in public funding, per vote, per year.
I feel good about the Green Party putting it to good use defending my values."

I am not naive enough to think that the money they get from my vote will change a damn thing, but think about all the people like me who saw absolutely nothing worthy in the "main" candidates, why not support a party I BELIEVE in, a party who has a lot of the goals I'd like to see met?

And I know full well they never had a chance of winning. It's not about that...It's about the support I can give, because I CAN.

Who knows? Perhaps one day people will see Green as the way to go. I think that's what the party is counting on. Slowly building support and growing.

They've got me on their side. Most likely from here on in.


Blogger Geoff said...

And see, here is the whole point about the "Don't vote, can't complain" rationale.

You actually got up and voted. Congrats Dan.

The Conservatives will have to wait until they get a majority before they can do any more than tentativle lick the US's balls, so I think we can rest assured that nothing too drastic will happen yet.

Also, the Conservatives are alone. Since the Green still didn't win any seats, the Conservatives have no real backing in the House. Will the Libs back them up after all that mud-slinging? I don't think so. And I know they're not going to ask for help from the Bloc or the NDP.

So. Be prepared to go out and vote again in another four months.

2:56 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

By not voting you’re not caring. There is 4+ parties out there for sure you can find one of them that has at least one idea that you support and vote for them. Standing idly by with you head in the sand not doing anything is wrong. I mean if your lazy and don’t vote for the sake of being lazy you’re an idiot fair and square, but to not vote for the sake of “not voting” and then bitching because its not going your way is stupid at best.

Still 65% of Canadians showed up to vote; my question is where the hell was the rest? That could have easily changed the outcome drastically.

In the end our democratic system is so screwed up it doesn’t really matter who you vote in by the next election chances are it will be no further ahead then we were before they took office.

6:42 p.m.  
Blogger D. said...

That's bullshit. there are reasons for not voting, it has nothing to do with not caring.

I would never vote for a party just because they had ONE idea I agreed with. That's like voting for someone who "sucks the least" that, my friend, is stupid

As it stands, I still consider voting a joke, on the whole. I just did it because Green is the only way to go, and they need the support.

6:51 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Standing idly by with you head in the sand not doing anything is wrong. I mean if your lazy and don’t vote for the sake of being lazy you’re an idiot fair and square...

I resent that, Trevor.

As Dan mentioned, there are plenty of reasons to not vote, and voting definitely seems like a joke to me as well.

1:14 a.m.  
Blogger D. said...

Yeah, but if I were you, and I had even the smallest say in whether or not George Bush was to be my president, I would be voting, believe me I would.

I'd be forcing every single one of my friends, too.

The real story here is that not voting does not always equal not caring, plain and simple.

95% of the time it probably does, so I know exactly what Trevor is trying to say, and I agree in a way...

but believe me there are people like me who do plenty to inform themself, but don't feel like throwing a vote to some idiots just for the sake of doing it.

That said, I will be voting every chance I get. I think I've actually found a party I can believe in, even if it really means nothing at this point in time.

Either that or Trevor and I start up a party and take this country over.

4:24 a.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

Funny story.

My friend Simon voided his ballot by writing:

"It's a Farce!!!

Written in big bold block letters through the little white circles on the ballot. If you don't support any of the parties... that's a great way to get the point across.

9:16 a.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Great way to get the point across to a volunteer that probably doesn't care, or will merely get a chuckle out of it.

My mom really did sum up my feelings about voting the other day.

When there's a dictator in office and he's threatening the US then I'll care.

She declared that after decades of educating herself on all issues and candidates and casting her vote.

11:08 a.m.  
Blogger D. said...

"When there's a dictator in office and he's threatening the US then I'll care."

There is. There really FUCKING is.

also, what a sad thing for a person to say. Sorry, but it is.

that's like saying "I don't and won't give a fuck until the problem is right in my backyard"

that's the problem with human beings, I'm afraid. One day everyone will be saying to themselves "how the fuck did it get so bad?"

You'll see.

4:28 p.m.  

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