Sunday, March 06, 2011

Everything needs to fuck off.

I've spent the last two days in bed pretty much in and out of sleep the entire time and it hasn't been pleasant.

the other night at work I got hit with a terrible headache and those body shakes you get when you KNOW you're about to puke or pass out.

I made it through that night and pretty much plopped myself onto the bed and have been here ever since. Feeling on the verge of vomitting all my innards out a great deal of that time.

I'd say I certainly feel better than I did, but can't seem to shake this headache or the groggy feeling that comes with it.

I don't know, I think I may actually hit up the doctor tomorrow if there's a chance I can get in without an appointment/waiting for four hours, cause advil really isn't cutting it at this point.

So I've certainly felt out of the loop. It's not a good feeling to wake up and wonder what day it is. I don't like it.

Apparently I'm off work again completely this week, or so the schedule would have me believe, since my name was nowhere to be found, which is odd, because even with zero hours a few weeks ago, my name was at least on it.

Whatever. I mentioned it and nobody seemed particularily interested in explaining to me what is going on, so I'll wait until they (without fail) call me in the middle of the night asking where I am/telling me when to come back.

The lack of communication between workers and anybody else there is disturbing.

I fully expect them to pull a "you were supposed to be here. look at the schedule" type of move, where they indeed have put me back up there...but while I was off and had no idea of knowing.

That's how things work, I guess.


Now, I think I might move to the couch for a little bit and take in some full house re-runs.


Blogger Tracy said...

Brutal :( Sorry you're feeling sickly. Also Superstore is should call and demand to know why you are not on the least your name should be there, no? Can you have a union person get on them for you? That's why you pay the union, isn't it? I thought so anyway ;)

1:44 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I echo Tracy in full. This is really bullshitty of them, and if it's just because you asked why you were being scheduled on restricted nights, and they decided FINE, NONE FOR YOU, then that is just...worse than...KL:HFBJNAFKJAN.

7:27 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

Sucks man, maybe your pregnant? Sounds a lot like morning sickness to me :p

Hope your feeling better now. Apparently there has been a pretty shitty bug going around. I was down for about 2 days with it, but bounced back fast for some reason.

Get a new job man, they're being pricks. There are places out there that will respect you and treat you way better than uncle Gaylan.

8:20 p.m.  

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