Monday, June 22, 2009

I don't know. titles are overrated.

Sometimes I question why this blog exists. I really do.

I go back and look at the things I wrote in here and I wonder why I ever felt compelled to do so.

I'm guessing we've all felt like this from time to time, though.

Truth is there is no real reason I do this. I guess I do because of the few friends who read it. It is a decent way of talking about trivial things and then giving you the option to read it or skip it if you like.

I simply don't care. I think I could just delete this blog and write all my thoughts down on a pad of paper to keep them private and it would have the same feel.

I guess it comes down to boredom a lot of the time. It's not bad to just ramble on and on sometimes, and this makes it very easy.

I like sharing things with people though, even movie/game "reviews" that none of you give a shit about. It's cool, and I'll probably keep on doing it.

It just hits me as strange sometimes.


On with the random:


I got a new visor off of Ebay for a good price and I think it looks pretty slick. Better than the clear. It's actually not so dark when looking through, but should still offer decent glare protection.

Plus now I can stare at people and they won't really know it. Also I could rob a bank.

Riding at night might be shit, but we shall see.

Bonus pic:

It makes things look longer than they are. PENIS JOKE.

I'm off for a nap.


Blogger Tracy said...

Isn't that the point of most blogs? Sharing shit that might be boring to most but your friends MIGHT care about. I nice visor

8:00 a.m.  
Blogger ryan said...


slick looking visor dan.

i wish i had a bike.

12:25 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

sweet man, now lets go for ride damn it!!!!

Also keep this blog going, because it keeps everyone/me in the loop. I'm not the type of guy to pick up a phone and talk for hours, so your posts, my posts, geoffs posts, lets me peer in your guys life. Kind of like a stalker but without all the following around.

Plus your music reviews tend to lead me into directions of cool music.

5:27 p.m.  
Blogger Tracy said...

Except when he disagrees with your music selections due to an absence of good "riffs" haha

5:36 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Oooh...VERY shiny!! I like it. Also your bonus pic. That one's even better.

You already know I love all of your babble, not matter how inane.

6:51 p.m.  

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