Friday, March 06, 2009

it's a book.

So, following In Geoff's timely acquisition, I bought one of these a couple days ago:

And then proceeded to take the (really) terrible picture seen above.

I picked it because I wanted a netbook for something to mess around with and such. Who doesn't love internet while in bed or on the couch, for instance.

It was not the cheapest one, but it was a fair price considering. It felt the most solid and comfortable, in fact I am amazed at how good the keyboard feels considering the size of the whole unit.

I could have spent a few hundred more bucks and gotten a low end "real" laptop, but I don't really see the need to even have a disc drive or a fancy videocard in something I just want to lug around and open up whenever I damn well please.

Anyway, I also looked at some of those Acer ones and they looked and felt a little too cheap.

Apparently it's just an OEM version of the MSI Wind, so that's good considering all the great things I've heard about that one.

It's good fun so far.

Nothing else to report, really.

But here's a picture of our lord and saviour:

Awww, yeah


Blogger Geoff said...

So you settled on the Wind as well.
Good stuff. I hope you enjoy it. I know I've enjoyed mine.

8:55 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

Cool, so i've been out of the loop with technology for so long, what exactly is a netbook?

Just a hardrive and OS with internet capabilities? That works off wifi? anywhere? and if so can you surf the net where ever the hell you want or do you have to pay for that?

If so that's a pretty cool idea, i bought my laptop for coding when i was at Nait, now all i use it for is checking email and whatnot when i go on trips. Its never really used for anything more than internet anyway.

I'm assuming netbooks are lightning fast to.

i want one.

11:00 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

oh man the Beckinsale, good stuff. On a side note these blogs need more babes in them.

11:02 p.m.  
Blogger D. said...

Yeah, Geoff, The Wind wasn't for sale anywhere (unless I wanted it online) and I had no idea the LG one was even related, since I've never seen a wind, but it sounds like I made the right choice.

Also yeah Trevor it's pretty much what you said, also more compact because of all that, so it's awesome.

7:41 a.m.  

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