Friday, January 16, 2009

Soooo guys,

The good doctor seems to think I may be afflicted by Cluster headaches (worth clicking just for the awesome first image) without diving into my head, anyway.

I had a sinus X-ray done as well as a blood and urine test today to top it off. I guess just to rule out other factors.

It's quite bizarre to be feeling not bad for a few minutes and then almost crippled by head pain the next, let me tell you.

I also got some super painkiller shit that I have yet to try out, hopefully it at least helps a little.

It's just annoying because otherwise I feel not bad. It's just that feeling like your head is going to implode sucks the fun and enjoyment out of every single activity.

I think I write a post like this once every few months and to be honest I am quite sick of it.

I am tempted to just quit working and go on a long ass vacation in a desperate attempt to leave all the shit behind.

Or apply for a different job.

It's too bad I can't swim for shit, because being alone on a tropical island would be pretty much heaven.


Blogger Tracy said...

Whooooo! I want that job. Cluster headaches suck, I know Trev gets them...he might try and steal your meds for them since he was just told to take advil.

4:59 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

Cluster headaches are meh, I've found the only way to get rid of one is take 3 extra strength Advil while its still in the tingly stage, cause once it blows wide open nothing works until it goes away on its on, which for me sometimes takes days.

I want that job, lets just go take over the island.

5:01 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

That picture made me laugh because..haha...I can just imagine. That's how I feel with my eye being all fucking spotty all of the time. (Read what a migraine aura is and that's what the deal is with mine.)

I hope he comes back with something concrete about what's wrong. :(

Are you still going to have your wisdom teeth checked out?

8:36 p.m.  
Blogger D. said...

The meds are just pain killers, more like super heavy duty advil, apparently.

He asked if I wanted to try them even though advil and most things like it don't really help with cluster headaches, but I said I would give them a shot.

I haven't yet because I've been feeling better than I have.

6:44 a.m.  

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