Friday, July 27, 2007

Boner inspiring.

Well today I was doing some checking up on The Dark Knight and came upon a website that people had been talking about called why so serious which had a countdown as well as a note from the Joker and some cooirdinates telling people to be there at 10 AM.

what followed is one of the coolest bits of promotion and marketing I've ever seen.

A plane flew by flying a phone number (1-800-395-9646) calling it gave you a creepy recorded message from a guy forcefully reading instuctions before being shot dead.

logging onto the website you then had to answer a bunch of twisted questions using clues sent back by the people who were actually on the ground at said location.

What followed was more or less a huge scavenger hunt where people logged onto the site had to help the people in town and vice versa. the jokers helpers were there to offer clues and paint people up nice and pretty as part of the deal.

seriously, imagine seeing these guys running through the streets in search of various clues and people. That's awesome.

The site itself was filled with awesome stuff at every question or "checkpoint" like this APB from the Gotham police:

And so on.

The site was slow as fuck but it was fun to play along, and of course at the end we got a Teaser trailer (which gives me goosebumps) and this delicious image:

I am so, so, so excited for this movie that it isn't even normal.

It's funny, years ago I'd not have given a shit about a new Batman movie after being let down time and time again from the crappy sequels, but Batman Begins really was one incredible film and I have high hopes that the Dark Knight will follow that closely.

How can you go wrong? the fucking Joker is the man.

also more cool pics from the events here.

God bless the internet for being able to hype a movie that is basically a year or more from release.


Blogger Geoff said...

Fuck yes.

Have you seen the ones for Harvey Dent?

12:03 a.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

OMG!!!!!!! that guy looks creepy even more so then Jack Nicholson.

1:16 p.m.  
Blogger Tracy said...

What a great marketing idea...someone got a promotion with that. I hadn't even heard of the dark knight...

10:42 p.m.  

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