Monday, May 07, 2007


Well sir,

Instead of sleeping today, James and I decided to see some Spider-man 3. It was not as bad as most people are saying. It had its fair share of cringe worthy scenes and shoddy editing/pacing, but compared to the other two it is just as good.

Note: I don't really care for the series in general, but they are worth seeing at least once for the awesome effects and fights.

Although there's a whole lot of emo spidey in this one. Seriously, I guess all it takes is some hair in your eyes and girly eye makeup. It's SO evil, man.

The best part about the drive home is that it's basically 130km/h all the way home on the Yellowhead. Well, 110, but what the hell, I was just going with the flow. It's a nice ride.

Music recommendation for the week is "into the blue again" by the Album leaf. And if you like that get the other albums too because it is all awesome.

fuckin' goooooodnight.


Blogger Stephanie said...

Goodnight, my Danny.

1:51 a.m.  
Blogger Tracy said...

I've heard so much crap about it I don't know if I'd even bother watching it...well maybe rent it. I heard it's a whole lotta crying....and I don't really care for movies where all the characters cry. Yeah I don't mind the Yellowhead's better at night though. Copy me a cd....I wouldn't even know where to find it.

8:52 a.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

The Spiderman movies are terrible I didn't really like the other two, this one i heard was nothing but crying and theres a singing number or something in it? pffffffffffft give me batman any day. I might rent it, or see it after all the hype is finished.

Album leaf hahah i forgot about those guys, there awesome, picking up the new (well old but just released) Elliott Smith Album tonite, unless HMV decides to screw me over

5:10 p.m.  
Blogger Tracy said...

update already

10:43 p.m.  

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