Thursday, April 19, 2007

You know what sucks?

not being able to sleep in anymore. When I was still in school, the weekends meant that I'd be sleeping in until 1 or 2 or whatever.

Now, though, no matter how tired I am when I fall alseep or what time it is, I'm up by 10 at the very latest. It's usually more like 7 or 8. It sucks. This is of course during my days off.

In music news I suggest all you instrumental rock guys check out Hammock. I got some of their stuff a few weeks ago and have been meaning to mention them. Absolutely beautiful sound. I added them to my myspace page for the benefit of others (since I can't stream worth shit on dialup)

I don't have much else to say.

Oh, I guess I could mention I had a ultrasound done on my heart on Tuesday. It was a real blast. I'll find out what's up in a few days I think.

what's with this fucking weather anyway. Rain, snow, sun cold, warm, hot. Fucking pick one. Goddamn I want to go fishing.


Blogger Tracy said...

Do you know how long it's been since I went fishing? too long, I don't remember either.
Shitty that you can't sleep in anymore :( can't say I know how you feel as I can sleep anywhere, anytime. It's actually ridiculous how easily I can sleep.
Ultrasounds suck, unless it's for a baby and then they're sweet lol.

8:32 a.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

Haha. When you said ultrasound, I pictured somebody taking a sonic ray to your chest.

D: "You want me to talk?"

Evil Villain: "No Mr. Chubaty, I want you to die!"

D: "Well, fuck you. I want to live."

4:04 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I get to sleep in everyday! WOOO!

When I go to bed at a more normal hour then I am usually up really early too, even if I don't want to be. But lately, as you know, I've been getting to sleep closer to 5 in the morning instead of 1, so I've been waking up really late too. Like today, I didn't stir until 2.

The weather has been really messed up lately, hasn't it? It's not so bad here, but I watch your weather and am reminded of why I like this part of the country.

So Hammock..hmm..

I hope your ultrasound comes back normal. I still think the goo they use stinks.

5:25 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

FISHING GOD YES!!!!!!!!!! Neil and I are planning on going somewhere around nordegg, i keep you posted homeboy. WORD!

Shitty with all the doctor crap. GET WELL

11:17 a.m.  

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