Monday, October 03, 2005

It is October 3rd, now.

Yesterday, as I was brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed, my nose started pouring blood like a waterfall.

I let it drip, drip, drip into the sink for a few seconds before I did anything. It looked rather messy but cool.

Thing is, I'm no stranger to nosebleeds. Every single winter, as the weather starts to get colder my nose feels the need to bleed pretty often. I guess because of the dryness...Sometimes it doesn't take much to start it in motion.

It didn't last for that long, but sometimes it's absolutely terrible. I remember a few years ago during Christmas at my Grandma's, it bled for over an hour. I'm talking a constant flow of the red stuff. Pretty gross, very annoying, too.

I guess it doesn't really help that I sleep with a fan blowing cold air on me, either. I can't help it. I don't even particularly care for the cool air...I just need the noise. I cannot sleep without it. I've tried many times.

My family thinks I'm crazy.

White noise, they call it. God bless you, white noise.

Fuck you, bloody noses.

PS. I renewed the Nintopia domain today. It will be our anniversary tomorrow. Trevor, let's say you and I go get ripped to celebrate.

That...Or...Get the fuck to work on the new layout, you lazy bastard you.


Blogger Trevor said...

Nose bleeds are the worst i get them all the time, but mine are caused by the shit i breathe in all day. I probably smoke about 3 packs of ciggerettes(to lazy to check the spelling) via my nose in welding fumes daily. I guess all jobs have there downfalls.

Nintopia is back, almost... :) check your email about tommorow night man.

10:27 p.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

Heh, it's the crimson season, for sure. Mine's been bleeding on and off for the last week. Not pleasant, but like I said, I never get headaches when my nose bleeds.

God bless the white noise.

1:48 p.m.  

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