Sunday, October 02, 2005

It is October 2nd.

My dad and I went to look at some cars today.

We browsed several dealers. I was slightly interested in a Pontiac Pursuit, which is a cheap, supposedly very good car. Not interested enough to ask about it, but it's worth researching more.

I did get a quote and all on a fully loaded Ford Focus ZX3, it worked out to about $350 a month, maybe more, we didn't finish the entire deal.

I realized I dislike car salesmen a lot. I can't count the number of times the guy (George!) said "if I give you a price you like, will you buy this car today?" or "you're the boss here, just tell me what you want" or other variations.

oh yeah and "I've been doing this for 10 years, Dan, I'm just going to be honest with you here...."

So pushy, yet so friendly...It's annoying.

I know it's their life and job and how they make a living...But man oh man that shit gets to me after a while.

Anyway, I was close to signing a deal, but I decided to check out how much It'd cost for insurance/check out other options, etc.

He kinda tried his best to make me feel rushed, but honestly I'm not.

I've gotta figure out if I can afford payments + higher insurance + my new computer payments and everything in between (movies and games!)

not to mention I want the fuck out of this house eventually, so...yeah, you know. It's a big decision.

Maybe I'll end up just getting something used. Newer, but used...just save up the cash. Who knows.


Blogger Trevor said...

Salesmen are tools, I remember when my mom bought her old crown vic he was like that, but he just pissed me off because I couldn’t go for the test ride, I had to stand out in the fucking lot alone, I was pretty little to. Maybe he thought I was going to puke in the car or something.

If you can afford it go for it man you car right now seems pretty beat up. Still moving out for me would be the better option.

4:28 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

So pushy, yet so friendly...It's annoying.

That's the way I feel about just about all salespeople.

I think you're doing the wise thing.

Does it have a moonroof?

4:47 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Still moving out for me would be the better option.

Living on your own is nice, in some ways, for sure, but...the expenses hardly seem worth it to me sometimes. Rent. Cable/Internet. Phone. Food. Electric/gas. Water/sewer. Trash. And then add in your insurance, gas and computer/credit card payments. And then, as you said, your fun stuff, like movies.

I dunno. It's just hard.

You probably make more money than I do a month, and rent could be a lot cheaper in the Stony/Spruce Grove area than it is here. But it still all adds up.

You already know all of this, I know. Sorry. I'm not trying to discourage or encourage anything.

The only thing I'll encourage is the same thing I always try to encourage--do what will make you happiest.

The only other thing I want to mention is this:

For the sake of your safety, I'd say getting a new(er) car isn't a bad idea. Edmonton traffic is unlike anything I've ever seen before, and my parents have said the same thing (they've lived all over the map.) And you're important to me, so I'm entitled to worry! ;)

5:08 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

For the sake of your safety, I'd say getting a new(er) car isn't a bad idea. Edmonton traffic is unlike anything I've ever seen before, and my parents have said the same thing (they've lived all over the map.) And you're important to me, so I'm entitled to worry! ;)

Really??? I remember driving down in Sand Point ID, and literally dyeing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen traffic like that. Edmonton is a cake walk compared to that, except for the idiot that decided to put lights on the major freeways through town, fuck id like to punch that guy. Calgary you get on Deer Foot trail and your gone, Edmonton, Almost every block on the yellowhead is lighted, and the Whitemud people throw bricks at you from the overpasses. Other than that I cant complain :)

If it were up to me, id move out before I bought a new car. You can get some pretty decent used ones for less, plus once you take a new car off the lot you loose a shit load of the monetary value just for driving it off the lot. Still nothing would beat owning a new car, damn payments I curse them.

11:09 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

plus once you take a new car off the lot you loose a shit load of the monetary value just for driving it off the lot.

This is why I've always been an advocate of investing in a used upper end vehicle. Even if you have to take it to the shop shortly after you buy it, once those repairs are done you know you're set for another several yers. And then, when/if the time comes for you to do a trade-in or sell it, you'll get a lot more out of it than you would out of most.

7:07 a.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

years*, even.

7:08 a.m.  
Blogger D. said...

Yeah, I looked at a used Volkswagenengeef Golf, those things are 20K for a 2002, but they are amazingly built cars, or so I hear.

Thing is a newer pre-owned car still requires payments, and the interest rates are often shittier making it the same sort of deal around 300-350 a month, so It makes sense to just get a new one really.

but then again, my Daytona cost me $1800, and It's done the job just fine, I got my money's worth and then if you look at it that way buying cars like that isn't so bad.

Still, a new car would be nice, there isn't much to really worry about if you go that way.

I don't know. I've still got some research to do.

9:53 a.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...



You know what researching makes me think of...

11:09 p.m.  

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