Thursday, July 14, 2005

If you're gonna start the killing, you best start it right here.

Yesterday I got my first issue of Fangoria in the mail. Wow, that only took THREE GODDAMN MONTHS.

Oh well. It's a very, very cool magazine and had some great articles and info about two films I've been excited to see for a long while now.

The first being The Devil's Rejects a (sort of) sequel to House of 1000 corpses. I still stick to my statements that Rob Zombie has incredible talent as a writer and director and I think he could make horror movies something special again, though if House of 1000 corpses is any indication, this film will certainly not be for everyone.

Second is the Russian film Nochnoy dozor (Night Watch) which intrigues the hell out of me, but certainly isn't a straight up horror film. It just looks so damn cool, and gets bonus points for taking place in Russia. Here's hoping us North American folk don't get a heavily cut up and dubbed version. I'll spill some blood if this is the case. I absolutely cannot stand dubbing.

I think I talk about movies too much. Too bad, but it's not going to change.

I think it's time to go read. I finished The Zombie Survival guide, it was brilliant, I especially enjoyed the "recorded attacks" pages near the end. Creepy stuff.

Now onto Make Love! The Bruce Campbell way.


Blogger Stephanie said...

The poster for the fucking Rob Zombie movie (the first one) STILL gives me mares, whether they be in the day or night.

SO SCARY. to me.

10:30 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

PS I like it that you talk about movies.

10:31 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

Awesome dude, keep talking about movies. Honestly if I cant figure out what to watch I head over to the enfilade ballet and get some awesome recommendation that haven’t let me down yet :).

That other Rob Zombie movie was fucked up, that girls laugh…arghh the only thing that drove me away from actually watching it in its entirety.

Ps. you should lend me that zombie survival guide.

11:04 p.m.  

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