Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just Give'r part two

I am still debating whether or not Fubar needs a sequel (the first is just so damn awesome that it almost doesn't need to be expanded on at all)

But, whatever, there's no fucking way I am NOT seeing this:

Trevor, we have to see this as a team just like the original.

In other movie related news I actually started a movie blog a while ago...and by "started" I mean I bought a domain, installed Word Press and then never really did anything else with it yet. Oh, except for one test post.

In the future I'll probably get it going (if someone wants to make me a header/banner image, I'd give them five bucks) and probably post the majority of my movie shit there, including reviews of random films I happen to watch.

Truth is, Movies are a huge part of my life and time and I think if you looked at all the posts on this blog, a great deal of them probably revolve around a movie (video games) and I guess a more "central" place to ramble about them might suit me.

Or maybe I'll just decide I'm too lazy to sort it out and keep rambling here. I don't know. There's always the "if you don't like it, don't read it" thought.


Blogger Trevor said...

Heck yes, I just hope its at least as good as the first one.

That one part where Deaner was on the water slide in the preview made me laugh, not sure why but it was funny.

Figure out the release date and were going. Even if its only playing at one theater in Calgary.

2:16 p.m.  

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