Sunday, November 05, 2006

And you know why.

Ever feel like loading your car up with all the blunt/bladed weapons you can find and then driving somewhere filled with people and just swinging away as hard as possible at every single one of them who passes by?

I'd love to bury an axe into the head of the entire population right now. One after the other. And never stop.



Blogger Trevor said...

Yesterday when i was at silver city waiting in that massivley retarted line up for nacho's, i kid you not, i was trying to figure out how many skulls i could go through with one bullet if they were all perfectly lined up.

6:40 p.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

Let's do you up a mask and chainsaw.

Then let you loose.
In Washington.

We could use you like a compass, because you'd always point towards the biggest gathering of people.

We wouldn't know for sure if you'd be pointing towards safety, or the next tragedy.

7:22 p.m.  
Blogger joelthedramakid said...

You lads (dan and trevor),

If there was ever a Zombie infestation i'd tottaly gome and get you guys ASAP! That sort of rage would perfect for my bid to rid the world of the zombie horde.

Ummm zombie killing...

4:09 p.m.  

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