Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Yesterday I got a haircut and it feels really, really nice.

I might keep it short for a while this time, as opposed to just letting it go crazy. I'm not sure, my hair grows pretty fast I think, and as long as I have a decent amount of it by winter, I'm good.

I just finished watching the Film Demonlover I bought it after reading the immense amount of praise it got from some critics and the immense amount of hatred it got from others.

It confused me. It was not at all what I thought it was going to be, and so I cannot really give an opinion. It's strange in a way that most films can't even touch.

I'd recommend it to people just so that I could have a discussion and find out what other people thought was the point of it all.

It really makes you use your brain and is easily one of the most original things I've seen in a whole, which is always nice.

I was just caught completely off guard. The first half of the film is easy enough to follow, but then it just transforms completely.

Time for some Warcraft. I'm hoping for relatively clear skies today so that I might be able to go fishing later on. Let's hope.


Blogger Stephanie said... it scary?
Because if it's not too scary I'll watch it.

Your hair looks good. It always does after it's been cut, but I still like it better kind of shaggy.

Hehe, "...and as long as I have a decent amount of it by winter, I'm good." sounds scary...but let me know.

10:24 a.m.  
Blogger D. said...

Not scary at all. It doesn't even try to be. It isn't that kind of movie, it just has an odd name.

1:29 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...


I will definitely watch it.

7:50 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

" I like watching movies like that sometimes, but you gotta watch em two or three times just to get everything."

I hear ya, it took me three times before i figured The Matrix out.

Also D that sounds like a pretty weird movie if i can find it ill give it a watch.

You should of had some good fishing if you went, it was hot but not to hot, just perfect. I just realized something we havent gone once this year yet, we should remedy that.

9:00 p.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

I've never seen a movie deep enough that I have to watch it more than once. Part of the reason I'm not a big moviegoer. Books, books, books. And games. Between the two, there's enough to keep my old gray mass happy.

12:41 a.m.  

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