Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So a few days ago I mounted the GPS back on and actually went for a ride with it. I was using it mainly because I was curious about how large the Speedometer error is on my bike. I've wondered that for some time.

Turns out when my speedo reads 100, I'm doing something like 92, and when it reads 112, I'm going 100, which is incredibly annoying, but just confirms my suspicions.

Even more annoying is that many sources claim motorcycle manufacturers (and some automobile) do this on purpose. Of course it varies between make and model, but I think such a practice is retarded. Don't bother arguing to me the "pros" of such a thing. I get it, I just don't agree.

Of course, there's also the argument about how accurate a GPS speedometer is, but most would have me believe it's pretty damn accurate in most situations.

Anyway, I love that little thing and all its features.

I also came to the conclusion that I probably won't get time off to go on any real lengthy trip (or have people to come with me) this summer, so I've made a deal with myself that I am going to try and ride to and visit as many towns/places in Alberta as I can.

I call it:

SMALL TOWN JOURNEYS 2010: the tale of a man and the lil' GS500 that could.

No set destinations or plans, really, I'm just gonna go wherever, whenever I can. Maybe take the odd overnight trip somewhere, but for the most part, just ride somewhere and ride back the same day.

I'll probably update this blog/facebook with photos and stats as I go about it. Whether you care or not.

In fact HERE WE GO, as you can see, I've started out close:

I really like Alberta Beach for some reason. I guess the view of the lake when you round that corner is just really nice to see.

Anyone from around here knows this place. Mostly it's made fun of for being so in the middle of nowhere. I think it was the first time I actually entered the place and looked around though. It's small but somehow busy as shit. Probably because, as the sign will tell you it's the HUB OF THE HIGHWAYS ™



Blogger Trevor said...

That's awesome man! when do you go on you trips, just Monday/Tuesday nights?

10:04 p.m.  
Blogger Tracy said...

I think Trevor's going to try to join you ;) I like the idea of going to small places.....the title is awesome.

The spedometer thing would drive me crazy....what is on your bike is what SHOULD be right....

10:20 p.m.  
Blogger D. said...

Mostly, I guess. But whenever I feel like it, really. Also, they've been cutting my hours at work and giving me real random schedules, so sometimes I have extra days.

You should join me on an excursion one of these days though. To anywhere.

10:20 p.m.  
Blogger D. said...

whoa, tracy you must have posted as I was typing.

10:21 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

Yeah for sure.

I'm hopeful to get my bike going next paycheck. I just need a a litre of anti-freeze and my sticker (license plate) and i should be good to go.

3:35 a.m.  

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