Monday, May 02, 2005

Hey deadhead. Take a bite of peach

On the way home from work this morning I suddenly had the taste of blood in my mouth. I didn't think much of it (but refused to swallow) and decided to get some gas.
When I stepped out I spit onto the pavement and noticed a pretty extreme amount of blood mixed with the saliva that had built up.

All my teeth are still where they should be, and I've no cuts or anything in my mouth as far as I know, so I have no idea where all the red stuff came from, or why.

I was coughing like absolute crazy last night.. you know, the kind of dry annoying cough that doesn't go away no matter how hard you clear your throat or how sick the noises you make are.

I guess it's possible my throat got really irritated and bled some..or is it? I don't know. It hasn't happened again, so I'm not sure.

Today I watched the first season (DVD) of a show called "Spaced" It's a British series starring Simon Pegg and and a lot more of the cast from Shaun of the dead. I'll spare the details, but it's absolutely brilliant and incredibly hilarious, especially the one where the main Character, Tim stays up all night playing Resident Evil after taking speed, and then hallucinating about zombies attacking everybody.

If the TV shows here were half as funny as this, I might actually watch them.

Only bad part is I ordered the DVD set from Amazon in the UK, so in order to watch them I had to burn and convert them from region 2 to region 1..which is a lot more annoying then it sounds, trust me.

I need a region free player.

I need to go to sleep.


Blogger Stephanie said...

I keep hearing good things about Shaun of the Dead.

Hehehe, "All my teeth are still where they should be..."

For some reason that really struck me as funny.

I normally have some sort of concerned medical advice for you and a million cures, but this time I've got nothin'.

7:42 p.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

If it's just random blood, no worries. You probably just had a wee bit of a nose bleed that ran in rather than out. If you start coughing and blood appears again, I would recommend visiting your doctor.

8:41 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

He won't.

9:48 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Wait, allow me to rephrase.

He will wait until it is horrifyingly clear that something is awry.


9:50 p.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

Random blood? That’s still not normal. If it were a nosebleed you should be able to tell, even if its inside, your throat gets sore and you can feel it leaking. If you’re coughing caused it that could be something serious. Either way if it reoccurs get it checked out man. ASAP.

Shaun of the Dead was decent.

9:56 p.m.  
Blogger D. said...


it's one of the greatest movies ever, man!

11:54 p.m.  
Blogger apples said...

I had that a couple weeks ago - coughed like crazy for a while then suddenly I'm coughing blood. Only happened once though, nothing to worry about.

7:10 p.m.  

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