Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Fuck everybody.

You know what the worst part about my job is? (aside from moronic managers and supervisors)

It's the fact that 91.4% of my co-workers feel they only have to come to work when it suits them.

I can't count the number of times I've woke up feeling like absolute shit and said to myself "okay, I'm gonna get my job done and leave as soon as I can" .. I also cannot count the number of times I've had those plans completely ripped apart and had to do a hell of a lot more than I should, all because three or four irresponsible pricks just didn't feel like working their shift.

That lack of responsibility must feel real nice.

Maybe I should make a habit of it, too.



Blogger Geoff said...

Put in a word that they all need to be fired and replaced. It's summer, and there's no shortage of people looking for work. If where you're working has a union, you could slice the bureacracy and file a grievance.

10:38 a.m.  
Blogger D. said...

It is a union job, but that really doesn't help.

See, the people do actually call in and say they are "sick"

everybody (including the boss, of course) knows it's just a lie, but in doing so, they cover their ass.

And so they keep doing it.

11:02 a.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

Man, that really sucks. I'd have a few choice words for everyone if I were in your shoes.

4:34 p.m.  

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