Friday, May 13, 2011

Linux saves the day


A long ass time ago I lent my buddy (James) my old computer since his crapped out and I no longer needed it around here.

Well, a few days ago he killed this one, too.

The thing would no longer boot no matter what I tried. no safe mode, no utility partition. Nothing. I also have no windows disc or system restore disc.

So I was tasked to get his "important" shit off of it. (Never mind that he fucked up my computer, right?)

So, since the problem was Windows XP being fucked and not the (I assumed anyway) harddrive itself I decided I'd try something (that I wasn't even sure would work) and download an iso of Ubunto. I'd heard it was possible to boot the entire operating system from a disc without making any changes to the harddrive, so I figured I could do that, explore the HDD and copy whatever files needed saving onto an external drive.

And it worked beautifully.

I just mounted the drive and BAM, copied a shit ton of shit.

And then I played around a bit and I actually really like Ubuntu as an operating system, so I installed it permanently on there since it was proper fucked anyway. At least now it is a functional computer.

And that, my friends, is how I came to have a Linux computer to piss around with. You know, for fun!

Realistically, I probably won't use it a whole lot, only because I just don't have the space to have this old behemoth of a computer hooked up anywhere at the moment. I would if I could.

It has made me think about installing it on my netbook, though. Or even alongside windows, but we'll see.


Blogger Trevor said...

Linux is pretty great. I used it alot when i was doing Networking back in the NAIT days. Ive thought about throwing it on my laptop, windows bogs it down so much, not to mention its over 5 years old, but we will see.

12:37 a.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

My god is it sexy when you talk computers.



Anyway, I am very pleased this worked!

How did he break it. I really don't understand.


12:57 p.m.  

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