So today I grabbed Brink, a game which I've been looking forward to for some time.
I read a few reviews and they are all over the place. Average to bad to great, but that didn't stop me.
Video game "journalism" is pretty much a joke and always has been. Reviews really don't mean jack shit to me anymore.
Look at a game like Crysis 2 which got great reviews all over the board. I rented it (thank god) and was far less than impressed with it.
It's a game with pretty visuals that is actually incredibly mediocre in every other way. So much so that I was actually stunned numerous times at the crappy design choices while playing it.
Bland as hell. Perfect example of why I no longer give a shit.
The point is, you can use reviews as a guide or whatever, but how there are still people who refuse to buy a game that's rated lower than a 9 from those morons at IGN is incredible to me.
Some of the most fun I've had gaming wise has come from games that received mixed reviews and even some that were universally panned.
I don't know.
What I'm trying to say is that plenty of people seem to been completely off point when it comes to Brink.
Bear in mind this is only after a few hours of play, but man, there's a lot of fun to be had and my first impressions are positive. It's that simple. I'm more or less just saying I don't get how anyone could slap this with a "2/5" and call it a day.
I'm well aware people have different opinions and all that shit, but there are pretty universal things that make games "bad" and I haven't seen much of that in Brink as of yet.
I think a bunch of people expected the single player campaign to be more than it is, but it was always pretty clear that it's pretty much just multiplayer with bots instead of humans.
I dig the art style and the overall feel of the game very much. It's pretty much the opposite of Call of Duty and thank christ for that. burned out from those games.
You still get your XP and shit, but it feels broader and is far more team and objective based. There is also so much shit to unlock that it is a bit nuts. Lots of cosmetic stuff to customize your character with, but also the weapons.
Also the sound design is incredible. Awesome sounding guns.
It's not perfect and has been really laggy at times, but I'm sure that's launch day pandemonium more than anything. It's always like that.
Now if only my internet would stop fucking sucking.
In other gaming news I finished Assassins Creed Brotherhood finally. Shit was pretty awesome. I've completed them all, now. Just in time, I suppose, since another one was just announced.
They keep turning them out, but really, who cares? I feel the quality has been stepped up with each game and there's still room for bring it on and change it up.
I do kind of wish they'd just make a "3" with a new character instead of these continuations of the Ezio character, but I can deal, since the dude is badass as fuck.
Anyone who takes ANYONE'S Reviews on anything at more than face value is a complete moron.
I read IGN's reviews as kind of a look into the game before I buy it.
With Brink I was hesitant and still am. Being I don't care about multiplayer as much as the campaign. They pretty much wrote what I expected. Single Player Campaign Lacking, Multi-player repetitive (standard review for 90% of FPS).
With Crysis I agree, I was expecting a shitload more out of that game. I finished it and outside of the snazzy visuals the game was kind of well meh. I haven't even put it back in the xbox since i finished it.
Could of sworn i posted something here?
Either way IGN bad Brink good :)
Yeah, you posted twice. what the fuck. Blogger is shit.
I blame the Google empire.
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