Saturday, April 09, 2005

Apple ssssshmapple

I bought an iPod a year and some months ago, and while I wouldn't say I regret it entirely, I certainly wish I'd have waited for a different product. I like it for what it is... an mp3 player with a ton of space.

There are no other reasons. In fact recently I've become annoyed at Apple and the people who constantly suck their dicks.

"cutting edge" they say, "sexy looking" they claim.

"overpriced and overrated!" I reply to all of them.

See, Apple has this kind of thing going for them, it's like an image, like a projection of "cool" and "hip" they try and desperately cast over their products.
So many people subscribe to this image, and to be honest it makes me sick. It's about all they can use to sell products, it seems.

Sure, it's all a matter of taste at some point, but I look at an iMac and I see nothing appealing. Not a thing.
I don't care that it's three inches thin (or whatever) I don't care that it's white (what's the deal with that anyway) But they do... And you know why, so they can charge you a shitload of money and call it "modern living"

or, my favourite "Technology Democratized" What the fuck ever.

Some people own a Mac for the sake of it. Cool, whatever.

But others who own them as a status thing, or even view them as such are twisted.

It's clever marketing, I'll give them that. Unfortunately, that's all it is.

This is about Apple and what is on the outside, mind you. I'm not debating whether or not an Apple is a quality computer (that, I could not care less about). It's also not a PC versus Mac thing, cause god knows, I've got plenty of beef with windows and the PC side of the world, too.

People who defend Apple products as "hot", "sexy"and especially "modern" and such are, I'm willing to bet, the same people who follow fashion trends and other such bullshit.

The same people who need to be on top of everything. Or, the same people who need flashy shiny new things.

Bah, I say, give me a black or grey box anyday. I prefer an unassuming look. Always will.

I'll keep my iPod because it does what I want it do, but I'm thinking maybe I'll spray paint it or plaster it with stickers.

PS. that scroll wheel can suck it, too. Yeah, that's real functional. Dipshits.


Blogger Stephanie said...

While I certainly provided you with a lot of your quoted words, I will have you know that I LIKE Macs for reasons aside from the fact that they fit in nicely with my chosen bedroom décor. (I also enjoy getting your goat so I play up my ability to see the materialistic, snobbish side of things.)

I fell in love with them while working on the yearbook staff in high school. This was PRE iMac! Pre-Apple-Owning-The-Corner-On-Aesthetically-Pleasing-Computers!

So I, personally, haven't fallen victim to their clever marketing agenda.

And there is nothing wrong with liking an Old Navy faded denim mini skirt.

11:08 a.m.  
Blogger D. said...

I think you are entirely more materialistic than you'd ever admit. I guess we all are, but hey, you know what I'm sayin.

PS. Macs are ugly.

2:20 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I didn't say I wasn't materialistic. I definitely am. But I'm not a consumer whore through and through. I have my moments, of course, but still, my core is very much in touch with the "have not" lifestyle I have been a part of for essentially my entire life.

But yeah, I know what you're saying, and maybe as an outsider you have a better view on how I really act. So maybe I'm wrong.

But I am not wrong about Macs being deliciously cutting edge on an aesthetic level.

2:58 p.m.  
Blogger D. said...

"But I am not wrong about Macs being deliciously cutting edge on an aesthetic level."


7:38 a.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

"I like it for what it is, an mp3 player with a ton of space."

And I like iMacs for what they are.
An easy to use computer that takes up very little space.

You are not understanding that for me the fact that they are a white (with a silver undertone rather than a gold) and sleek in design is a mere plus.

And that when it comes to the above design of computers HP/IBM/Dell/Gateway/Compaq/Etc. have yet to produce a comparable product--to the best of my knowledge.

What I'm trying to get across to you is that I haven't jumped on some kind of "Oooh Apple products are superior and boost me up into the social stratospehere!" bandwagon. I couldn't care less about my social status.

It irks me when you think I could be that shallow. Which is why I am defending myself so.

11:17 a.m.  
Blogger Trevor said...

Dude I read this post, and I couldn’t agree with you more. The point of fact is were all materialistic, that’s just something everyone comes by naturally I guess, I have a shit load of stuff I don’t need either. But the point of that matter is I didn’t buy it because it’s cool or the hip thing to do.

Just watch once this apple craze dies out no one will care. Apple computers in my opinion are extremely limited, for a couple reasons,

1. The market is well “Dominated” by Microsoft good or bad I don’t see this changing. Unless gates buys out apple, fuck that would be funny.
2. The amount you pay for an Apple, is fucking ridiculous. You could buy a faster pc for less of the overall price
3. What you pay for is the style end result.

As for iPod, they are nothing but a waste of money just because they came out with the original concept of mega space doesn’t mean there the best. Honestly I still don’t understand why the hell anyone would need to carry that many songs with them at one time I have a 256mb mp3 player and I love it, load up the songs I feel like listening to and I am off. And I got that one for FREE 4 years ago.

8:08 p.m.  
Blogger Geoff said...

Three things:

1) Gates has stocks in Apple. It how he keeps the anti-trust dogs at bay.

2) Apple's been through the crapper in the last few years, and we're still feeling the media blitzkrieg that Steve Jobs used to get Apple out.

3) I don't think technology should look or be named like something edible. If it says "choose your flavour," that should mean I can eat it, and it tastes like something other than plastic. Now, the new G5's, they're okay. They're sheathed in perforated airplane aluminum. Good stuff.

10:20 p.m.  

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